
speedMATE® - Non-Contact optical speed measurement

  • Non-contact measurement of speeds and lengths
  • Adjustable encoder output A/B up to 120 pulses/mm
  • Trigger function
  • Slip-free
  • Working distance: 15 mm up to 60 mm

Robustes Längenmesssystem LMSCA32-WDGN mit Drehgeber WDGN36A konfigurierbar über NFC

Robust length measurement system LMSCA32-WDGN
with encoder WDGN 36A configurable via NFC

Compact system with new spring-loaded arm, including configurable encoder WDGN 36A and 150 mm or 200 mm measuring wheel.
via NFC configurable:
- Pulses per revolution 1 ppr up to 16384 ppr free selectable
- Output circuit TTL/HTL free selectable

Längenmesssystem measuring system LMSCA32

Robust length measurement system LMSCA32

Compact system with new spring-loaded arm, including WDGP 36A encoder and 150 mm or 200 mm measuring wheel.


Robust length measurement system LMSMA32

Compact system with new spring-loaded arm, including WDGI 58B encoder, 200 mm measuring wheel and pre-assembled angle bracket.

LMSMA32 konisch - conical

Robust length measurement system LMSMA32 with measuring wheel KW (conical)

Compact system with new spring-loaded arm, including encoder, 200 mm measuring wheel KW (conical) and pre-assembled angle bracket.


Robust length measurement system LMSMA35

Compact system with new spring-loaded arm, including WDGI 58B encoder, 500 mm measuring wheel and pre-assembled angle bracket


Robust length measurement system LMSLA12

with incremental shaft encoder, linear equalization encoder holder and measuring wheel

Messsystem, measuring system, LMS24

Compact length measurement system
for lenght or speed LMS24

with shaft encoder WDG24C,
spring-loaded arm and measuring wheel
Fields of application: Pasteboard, soft plastics, textiles, wood, rubber.