Jointed coupling ST27
for encoder with shaft Ø 6 mm or 10 mm

Max. operating speed
10000 rpm
Max. torque
100 Ncm
Max. offset of shafts radial
±0.1 mm
Max. offset of shafts axial
±0.3 mm
Max. offset of shafts angular
Torsion spring stiffness
18 Nm/rad
Moment of inertia
79 gcm²
Max. clamping torque
188 Ncm
25 g
Hub: Aluminium
Adapter: POM
Order number(s)
Jointed coupling: Ø d1 = 6 mm, Ø d2 = 6 mm
Jointed coupling: Ø d1 = 6 mm, Ø d2 = 10 mm
Jointed coupling: Ø d1 = 10 mm, Ø d2 = 10 mm
All dimensional specifications in mm

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